解決咳嗽的良穴 The Best Acupoint for Coughing

You ONLY need to massage the newly discovered extra acupoint to conquer acute and chronic coughing.

由針灸碩士,美國馬里蘭州註冊針灸師洪東正(Tong-Zheng Hong )所發現的「肝水穴(Gangshui)」,至今已經臨床證明對於急性或者慢性的咳嗽,只需單單按摩這一個穴位,其所呈現之療效就勝於一般常使用的傳統穴位處方。
Clinical results show this extra acupoint Gangshui discovered by Tong-Zheng Hong, who is awarded Master of Science in Acupuncture and licensed acupuncturist in Maryland, is the best choice for you to treat both acute and chronic coughing with massage.

根據Exploring a New Extra Point for Sub-acute Cough: A Case Report(ISBN-13: 978-6202301671)一書,這一個「肝水穴(Gangshui)」的位置係位於陰陵泉穴下三寸及地機穴旁開三寸的交會處。It is stated in the book Exploring a New Extra Point for Sub-acute Cough: A Case Report(ISBN-13: 978-6202301671) that Gangshui is located at the junction of the lines drawn 3cun inferior to SP 9 (Yinlingquan) or 12 Cun superior to KD 3 (Taxi) and 3cun posterior to the medial crest of Tibia.

臨床證實,這一個穴位無須針刺,僅須按摩就可以完全解決惱人的咳嗽。對於三天內的咳嗽只需按摩一至二次即可將咳嗽get out,而已發病三天以上者,只要每天按摩一次,連續規律地按摩五天,你()將會看到令人讚嘆的奇蹟。
Coughing can be cured with the massage on this acupoint, which generally takes one or two times with massage for occurrence within three days and five days for more.

Why not try this awesome acupoint that can outperform medications?




